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In the U.S. Senate and state legislature, Senator Tillis has corruptly

caved to his corporate donors and special interests, raking in campaign

cash while carrying their water.


As a Senator: 


  • Tillis raked in more than $400,000 from Big Pharma and kept drug prices high. In one instance, he took more than $20,000 and sponsored an industry friendly bill that omitted a key provision opposed by the pharmaceutical industry found in a separate bipartisan drug pricing bill.


  • Tillis faces calls for investigation after he was “one of the biggest beneficiaries” of an apparent illegal straw donor scheme, raking in nearly $300,000 from employees at USPS chief Louis DeJoy’s company. Senator Tillis has, in return, refused to speak out as USPS cuts hurt veterans and rural North Carolinians, and defended DeJoy, labeling an investigation into him a “witch hunt.


  • Tillis passed a $1.7 trillion tax cut that will give 83% of its benefits to the top 1% and big corporations, and gave huge savings to the same massive corporations who fill his campaign coffers.


As Speaker:


  • Tillis cut $500 million from North Carolina public schools — leaving North Carolina kids with less education funding than almost anyone in the country — to pay for a corporate tax cut. One of Tillis’ top colleagues even admitted, “yes, you can go back and say if we didn’t cut taxes we would have money for education.”



  • Tillis attended a fundraiser thrown by a predatory payday lender a week after helping a bill benefiting the same lenders “sail through the legislature.”


Senator Tillis has repeatedly proved to be nothing more than a weak, corrupt politician who puts his donors before North Carolinians’ health care, public schools, and well-being. 


More on Senator Tillis’ corruption: 

  • Tillis faced multiple calls for investigation after he was caught breaking campaign finance laws. In 2018, the nonpartisan watchdog Campaign Legal Center filed a complaint alleging that Senator Tillis’ campaign illegally coordinated with former National Security Advisor John Bolton’s Super PAC during his 2014 campaign for U.S. Senate “through the use of a common vendor, Cambridge Analytica.” Senator Tillis also faced a complaint from the non-partisan watchdog over alleged illegal coordination between the gun lobby and his 2014 campaign.


  • Senator Tillis improperly used his official position to support his reelection campaign, using official taxpayer resources to raise money for his floundering 2020 reelection campaign.

In 2020, The North Carolina Democratic Party filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against Thom Tillis and the North Carolina Republican Party (NCGOP) after Tillis and the NCGOP violated federal law with a robo-call sent earlier this month. Read the full complaint online HERE and audio of the robo-call online HERE.

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U.S. Senator 

Paid for by the North Carolina Democratic Party ( 
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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